Morgana, witches are among the few of us who declare that they are directly and black magic.
Yes, it is. Because I want to be honest with my audience.
It is best, of course. But how would you characterize black magic? And all of us are witches and that, or not? It is a curiosity.
Well yes, most do black magic, but are afraid to admit ….
For fear of chase customers think.

Is it okay? Why do not you do it?
Because, as I said already, I am a witch honest with my clients and people in general. So do all black magic, whether recognized or not. People need it, but they do not want to admit openly.
What do you think?
Fear, and I know …
Should we be?
Absolutely not. The person who has truly suffered actual work that makes the magic and not a command.
It is so famous theme …
Yes, a triple return! Perhaps for this reason avoid devote some witch black magic …
Although it would have won.

Right. For by black magic can accomplish a lot for a client, which is not the case with white magic.
What are you saying, that white magic is limited?
Sort of. White magic can never solve all the problems created by white magic.
But no need to fear it?
Do not, I repeat, only I fear I can if I do that. And do!
Because there is a huge demand. People need it. Repeat. I help. Many thanked me after I’ve done my work by magic …
Black magic!
Yes, the black magic. There is something mysterious, very mysterious. Even its origins are. It can be said that black magic is in Prehistory, since time immemorial.
And why would people do if black magic?

Because they promote hunting, for instance. Chant around the fire, in a very strange atmosphere.
And the Church to admit?
No, no, the Church believed to be work of the devil, because you do not understand. When you do not understand something, you can say almost anything. Who’s stopping you?
It is not normal!
What is normality? Look, until 1450 known human society has two types of magic in the Middle Ages. Church and realized that there was a form of magic that was bad.
And acst time white magic protect people …
Well, in theory yes, they protect and how it could. But black magic is very strong and would not be appropriate to mess with it again.
It is a warning?
Can you say that. In any case, who wants to engage in the practice of it, do not advise if you do not know even the basics and has extensive experience.
Black magic was excluded from society and now in private practice.
Yes, because of the Church, who feared it too. Now fears as much. Because she believes that working with the devil and demons. This is a delicate subject, mysterious. But black magic is incredible results!
Yes, the practice black magic can do anything the customer wants, no problem. It’s a tradition that should be respected, not tat much blamed.
People know about it?
Many, yes. I seek to help and I can not refuse him because I see how much suffering and are involved, or depressed. Black magic is for them a sure cure even save. Depends on the target but try to hit … My energies are very high, she gives them.
In white magic, rituals are performed for a positive finding love, to have chance to solve one’s business, to cure disease, etc.. Black magic is just so bad?
Yes, if it is to change one’s destiny, for example. Customers are those who have negative intentions, not me. I’m just their tool. They need me and I’m here to help them.
You solved many cases, Morgana, so you are considered the greatest witch of black magic from us. With great experience while you are still young.
Youth has nothing to do with success. True, people were very satisfied after my vigorous interventions, in terms of black magic. I helped immensely and were ultimately very satisfied. I was like a spirit of revenge, destruction of feelings on their behalf. For example, I had a client who wanted to destroy a relationship love to get one of the partners.
And you do it?
Yes, there is no problem. I am qualified to help people where not white magic. Customers can search for me with no problems. I help and will be very happy, I assure you.
And your phone number?
Please, you can call me at 0760.149917, anytime, if you need me.
Interview by Marian Deaconu
See also the page of witch Morgana on the site :
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